Can I Wear Normal Contact Lenses With Astigmatism

Can I Wear Normal Contact Lenses With Astigmatism?

Does your vision always get blurry out of the blue? Perhaps, some things look more distorted than usual. If this sounds similar you, yous could accept astigmatism, a condition caused by a cornea with an unconventional shape, such as a football instead of a soccer ball.

Astigmatism occurs in families and due to problems with the cornea or as a consequence of keratoconus. In addition to blurry vision, y'all may have symptoms such equally eye fatigue or strain when viewing something up close or far away, depending on your form of astigmatism.

Most eye doctors prescribe contact lenses for astigmatism to right any visual distortion. If you already habiliment contacts, you might be wondering, 'Tin I wear normal contact lenses with astigmatism?' Let'south find out.

Can I wear normal contact lenses with astigmatism?

Since the shape of your cornea oft causes astigmatism, y'all need special contact lenses to correct your eye condition. Many optometrists recommend toric contact lenses for astigmatism since they motion with your centre to correct distorted vision at every angle.

Toric contact lenses have horizontal and vertical axes, and depending on the part of the lens you're looking through, the cosmetic power changes. They're too fabricated with a thicker textile than standard lenses and weigh more than at the base to back up your prescription needs. Astigmatism contacts are for blurry vision, and if y'all don't get the right type of contact lens, your symptoms may worsen.

Then, tin you wear normal contact lenses with astigmatism? Our eye doctors advise against information technology, as regular contacts won't encompass your cornea fully, leaving areas of your vision unprotected. Instead of choosing generic contacts, talk to your eye doctor near the types of toric lenses. If your symptoms are concerning, they may suggest rigid gas-permeable (RGP) toric contacts (hard contact lenses) to promote a better flow of oxygen to your eyes and to help your eyewear stay put.

Can I article of clothing astigmatism contacts if I don't have astigmatism?

We don't recommend astigmatism contact lenses if you lot don't have astigmatism. Toric contacts and other contact lenses for astigmatism are made to correct symptoms caused by an irregular cornea.

If your cornea has a spherical shape, astigmatism contacts may be uncomfortable on your eyes, which can make you more probable to remove the lenses. (And remember that inserting and removing contacts without sanitizing them can cause eye infections.)

Wearing the incorrect contact lens can crusade problems with your vision. Never wear anyone else'southward centre prescription, whether information technology'southward contacts or eyeglasses, and stick to what your eye doctor recommends for astigmatism. The comprehensive contact lens exam will tell them which contact lenses you demand.

Can I Wear Normal Contact Lenses With Astigmatism?

Summary: How can I find the all-time astigmatism contact lenses?

Before your heart dr. tin can prescribe your contacts, they'll need to do a contact lens exam. If your corneal shape is a football game rather than a sphere, they may recommend contacts for astigmatism.

If you've been wondering, 'Can I vesture normal contact lenses with astigmatism?', know that regular contacts lack the shape and prescription ability necessary to correct blurry vision and other astigmatism symptoms. Instead, your eye doctor may propose toric contacts, which are some of the best astigmatism contact lenses effectually.

Toric contacts have an unusual shape, much like your cornea, and get with your natural eye movement and gravity to get rid of any visual distortions. If yous have astigmatism, steer articulate of eyewear that's not for astigmatism, as it can practice more than harm than good.

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